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What height/length of threshold to order?Updated 9 months ago

Why are there different heights of garage door threshold?

GaraDry supplies the largest range of garage door threshold seals on the market, ranging from 15mm to 50mm high. This is because of the size of the gap that needs sealing varies from one garage door to the next.

The height you require depends on a) the size of the gap between the bottom of your garage door and the floor and b) the volume of water that you need to hold back from entering your garage.

Why are there different lengths of your garage door seals?

Garage doors come in all shapes and sizes, so GaraDry's thresholds are available in multiple different lengths to suit all sizes of garage doors. As there is no 'standard size' for a garage door, please measure your opening before ordering.

Also, GaraDry's thresholds can be easily cut to length using a utility knife or hacksaw.

Custom lengths

Unfortunately our residential, PVC thresholds are pre-cut and boxed in manufacturing and we are therefore unable to offer custom lengths. They can, however, be easily cut to size.

Our aluminium thresholds are also pre-cut to length in manufacturing at 1.55m, 2.0m and 2.5m and we are unable to offer alternative lengths to this.

Any examples I can see?

On our Testimonials page you can see hundreds of installations from our happy customers. 

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